About Our Blog.
Welcome to our blog! We have decided to start a simple blog to share our life’s adventures with our family, friends and any others who care to follow along. After learning from our past adventures, it can be a bit difficult to keep everyone up to date. We thought we could give this a go for an easier option.
The thought is to share some of the moments we’ve enjoyed on our adventures near and far. Also we may throw in some of our daily life at home in Mississippi including some food recipes, tips in travel that we have learned along the way.
We have personally found traveling to other countries to explore new cultures and their local cuisines to be amazingly good for the soul, mind, and body. By putting forth the effort to leave our comfortable surroundings to embark on a long awaited journey. The growing anticipation, the much planning (including trying to learn a new language), embracing the good times and accepting the times plans don’t go as planned etc...that all seems makes the journey so much more rewarding. Memories made Today will Last a Lifetime!
We both really like trying new cuisines, opening our minds to new ideas and seeing how others do things better. Maybe just maybe you will be inspired to go see some of these places or if that is not possible then we hope you can catch a glimpse of the beauty of God's diverse creation as seen through our eyes. Come learn and explore with us. Join us on our journey. Time to pack the bags and let the adventures begin..!